Alright, I'm not in a good mood.... as you'll be able to tell from reading this.
The more people tell me that I can't do something, the more I'll believe it and won't be able to do it.
If I say I can do something, LET ME DO IT! Don't insist on helping me and then not listening to me when I say something.
I might have balance problems, but that doesn't mean I can't do anything on my own. I want to be able to do things by myself. Let me at least try, and if I need help, then I'll ask.
I'm just frusrated with the fact that there are some people out there who, no matter how much I offer to do something alone, insist on helping me or taking over and doing it themselves. Then they complain that since they are doing that, they don't have time to get other stuff done. I OFFERED TO DO IT BY MYSELF SO LET ME! I am able and I know how... my balance does not affect my intelligence!!! So, don't ask me a million times if I know how to do something as simple as putting a collar on a dog.
I'm not mindless, and I CAN DO THINGS!!!!!!!!!!
On a plus note, it's sunny and maybe I can get out to walk soon.
its going to be sunny all week and by the end of the week 80 so yes u will def be able to walk around in your flip flops :)