Saturday, March 23, 2013


Mom just brought me a 6inch turkey sub from Subway. I wolfed it down. I Love Subway.

Btw... I just changed my playlist to songs that fit ataxia... falling, and being clumsy, rolling up (wheelchair), etc. How do u like it?

Food Baby

I look pregnant. I eat too much and drink too much pop. I don't walk a lot (it's hard) and I can't do a sit up to save my life.
Thus, I have decided to put myself on a diet. Starting on Monday, March 18, 2013, I stopped drinking pop and started eating smaller portions. I want to keep track of my progress here as well as my FA lifestyle. They kind of go hand in hand.
So, Monday I only had 1 pork chop at dinner, a small portion of corn, and a small amount of mashed potatoes, and a glass of milk with dinner, then water.
Tuesday I missed breakfast, but had water at lunch and dinner, and 6inches of a turkey and black forest sub with lettuce, tomato, and lite mayonnaise for lunch and the other 6 for dinner. Then I had half a bag of popcorn while iwatched Pretty Little Liars.
Wednesday I missed breakfast again (i've never been big on breakfast). I had 6innches of an oven grilled chicken sub from subway with lettuce, tomato, black olives, and lite mayonnaise for lunch. i had the other 6 for dinner.
Thursday was a busy day. I didn't eat until 3pm, I had a few granola bars and water. Then around 7 I had a cheese and broccoli baked potato.
Friday, yesterday, I  actually ate breakfast! I had 1 pack of instant oatmeal. For lunch I had 2 granola bars about an hour apart, and for dinner I had 2 small pieces of pizza. Water all day of course.
Today, I have been doing so good this week, i decided to reward myself with a 20oz bottle of Orange Sunkist for breakfast. :-)
Here's a before pic. This is why I am cutting pop and portions. Portion cutting has me hungry most of the time. It's hard.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

I'm back!

I'm back!!
It's been a rough week for falling. I even put a scratch up my butt cuz i slipped on the floor getting into the shower.
Well this is a short post cuz I can't  think of anything to say!
More later!!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

3 years?

Wow. It has been nearly 3 years since I last posted an entry. A lot has happened and changed... even in the blogger world. I need to spend time learning the new features.
Instead of trying to catch you all up on what has been happening, I am just going to start new.
Here's a random list of facts about me right now:
I turned 27 on February 5th
I LOVE to read
I am in the process of moving out of my ex bf's house.... a 16 month relationship. (Danny)
I have 4 cats

I was diagnosed in 2010 with Friedreich's Ataxia which has caused me symptoms such as:
heart problems (chest pains)
balance issues
lack of coordination
slight hearing difficulty
slurred speech
motor skill issues

I use a walker and I am in the process of finding a supplier to get me fitted for a wheelchair. I miss things such as the mall, amusement parks, anything with a lot of walking.
I am going to try to post as much as possible. Right now it might only be on Saturday's because I am nowhere with internet.
Well, I am going to go change up the look of my page, or try to anyway.
Take Care.