Well, I found out why I was so sick! While my allergies were bad, I had been off one of my pills for a few weeks and my body was so used to it that it was making me dizzy, nauseous, tired all the time, headches... Now I am back on it and feel sooooo much better. Which means, I feel good enough to start trying to get motivated to work my butt off. I'd like to lose maybe 10-15 lbs. and tone up my tummy and legs (While my arms are tiny, I look pregnant and my thighs have gotten real big). Plus, my diagnosis came back from Ohio State and I do have Friedreich's Ataxia (FA). My neurologist said that even though I cannot get back what I have lost, I can help slow down the process by staying active. As with everything else, it's hard to do without money. I would LOVE to join a gym.... prefferably one with a pool because I feel that my aquatic therapy has been the most beneficial for me.
I decided that since nothing much has been going on to write about, I can write about FA and what it causes and how I have noticed things with me.
Haha, I told Dad I should play the lottery. My neurologist said that I had a 1 in 40,000 chance of getting FA, and I did. Then she said I had a 25% chance of it being full blown and getting most of the symptoms, and I did. So, I guess I have a good chance of winning the lottery if I won the FA titles. lol
Speaking of lottery, did anyone see the guy who won the Powerball Lotto? He had $27 in his pocket. It's people like that who deserve to win, and I couldn't be happier for him!!
As much as I hate taking my pills, if I don't take them I am 100 times worse without them! I feel for you!